Thursday, 27 March 2014

The 5 golden rules to engage your audience

When you are online and browsing the internet the last thing you want to see if lengthy content with incorrect spelling and punctuation posted continuously throughout the day. You then have to rifle through all the rubbish (if you can be bothered) to read what the main point is.


So, whether you are a business, blogger or social network fanatic in my opinion there are
5 GOLDEN RULES to catch people's attention, get them to engage, share and relate to what you are writing and talking about.

Number 1.
Be relatable - know your target audience - understand them and their needs and wants.

Number 2.
Be current - always be up to date - if it's new people will talk about it which in turn will get people talking about you.

Number 3.
Be creative - content and design is key - if it is dreadful, dull and doomy reading or looking no one is going to want to read or spend anytime engaging with what is being said. Ask yourself, would you read it? Would you share/like it?

Number 4.
Be brave (not too brave though!) - think before you publish/post anything, but don't hold back - be daring. No publicity is bad publicity right?!

Number 5.
Be there - it's simple - if you ask a question, be there when there is a response to it and have a conversation with the audience - don't be a brick wall. Build up a strong relationship with the audience so in turn they will feel that engaging with you is a positive and enjoyable thing to be doing.  

Below is a great blog by e-consultancy on engagement during purchasing (which is best for an e-commerce business):
E-Consultancy - How marketers can drive engagement at every phase of the purchase cycle.

Dove created a video campaign in April, 2013.
Dove - Real Beauty Sketches
It currently has over 62 million views on YouTube and went viral last year. Dove decided to 'conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see'. It was amazing and thought provoking which got people to engage and share it with their friends and family.

Hope you enjoyed reading my first blog post.
S x

1 comment:

  1. Some great ideas Sarah. Think about how you'd deal with content management- what would you post on social media? How would you strike the balance between selling and giving value?
